Your Ten Card Tarot Reading

A full and complete answer to your question in ten cards lies below. First, observe the symbols and images in your tarot cards, then slowly take in the wisdom in your reading.

To interpret your ten cards, look for how many cards you have that are similar: major arcana, suits, numbers, themes, or how they might be different, and let your intuition draw the information together.

Four of Swords

Rest and respite in the middle of one's troubles. As this is an airy card, it can also represent introspection and taking stock. Now is the time to take the phone off the hook and regain physical and mental strength ≠ to recover from past endeavours and gather strength for future action.

Nine of Wands

The 9 of Wands is about standing up to a powerful force even if that means doing it alone and potentially getting hurt in that process. The 9 of Wands is about being prepared, determined, dedicated, tough, independent, an energized gate, overcoming adversity, focusing strength, confident, and having a positive outlook that leads to future success. It says: "I'm not giving up!" It is a card that sees a person at both his or her weakest and strongest point while coming out alive and kicking -- stronger than ever before. When the 9 of Wands represents a person, he or she masters and sacrifices his or her fear in order to drum up the focused and precise strength needed to reach the goal of protection.

The Hanged Man

Self-Sacrifice, seeking spiritual insight, spiritual/psychic awareness, inner peace, spiritual awakening, solitude, suspension, the need for a new perspective, empathy, and uniqueness.

The Chariot

Triumph. Recognition. Purity of intent.

Page of Wands

Beginning of a new journey, transformation, learning new ideas spiritually, finding the creative side within, responding to a new challenge and finding a new side of oneself. Some references similar to princesses in other decks giving a more expanded view of traditional pages.

Four of Coins

The IV of Coins stands for the gains made from hard work. It is possible to acquire and save money at this time. While it is true that a penny saved is a penny earned, be careful though that you do not lock away all of your worldly gains and possessions without forethought. A key is required to open this chest, but if you look closely you will see that there is no key present in this card. You must be sure to have the ability to open the chest as needed before your choose to lock it.

Five of Wands

If you do nothing, you gain nothing! Stand out from the rest and do something to break free! Be brave and know if you try you can make it happen...if you do nothing, you gain nothing! Competition helps use to better ourselves but can also cause anger and fear. Face your fear and know succeeding is Trying!

Two of Coins

The Two of Pentacles remind us how to adapt to change and to deal with all the dualities we have to face in our lives. By accepting all that is - light and dark, life and death, movement and stillness, male and female - and by using the means at our disposal, we can face all the fluctuations of life deftly and with a cheerful heart. The Two of Pentacles is a card of resourcefulness, which allows us to unite what might appear opposed, whether in our own minds or around us. It tells us that the earth might give us our foundation, but we need to rise above it in order to grow in body, intelligence, heart and spirit.

Five of Swords

The number five elements in Tarot have a war like theme, usually a time for fighting a battle that can sometimes end with a painful and bitter loss. The meaning of my Five of swords comes from the inability of dealing with negative thoughts and feeling's of being defeated. This fight has either come from the hands of spiteful and hurtful intentions towards you, or by your own negative response to a situation that can be difficult to struggle with, yet this battle must be fought.

The Star

Hope, faith, a time of rebuilding and inspiration.