Angel Readings for Beginners

Angel Readings for Beginners explains how to call on 'angelic energies' for advise and protection, using oracle cards, tarot cards, pendulums or other tools. She covers preparing for the reading, handling the cards, spreads, and information on individual angels.

By Elizabeth Foley · Book - 88 pages · Published by Angel Street Publishing

Review by Bonnie Cehovet

With the world around us spinning out of control as much as it has been lately, we need to reach out to any tool that will help us empower ourselves, and empower our lives. The tool of angel readings offers us two very important things – a specific physical action that we can take to bring wisdom into our lives (the action of doing the angel readings), and the opportunity for a deeper connection with Spirit (through the angelic realm).

Foley defines angels as Divine messengers that are here to guide us, to protect us, and to help us along our path. In her Angelic readings, there exists a broad order of angels, including Guardian Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Fairies and Elemental Beings, and deceased loved ones. Each of these angelic energies are with us for a specific purpose.

An Angelic reading consists of a conversation with an individuals angelic “team” – the energies that are in their life to advise, guide, and protect them. Specific angelic energies may be called upon for specific issues. What we need to remember here is that angels are pure energy – infinite energy. A specific angelic energy, such as the Archangel Michael, can be with an infinite number of individuals at the same time, and still have an infinite amount of energy to give. No one has to stand in line and wait their turn for help.

In discussing what an angelic reading is, Foley notes that differing tools can be used, including pendulums, dowsing rods, Tarot and oracle cards. In using cards, she prefers oracle decks to the Tarot, as she feels that the oracle decks are more conducive to building intuition, that they are positive, easy to work with, and can be used with other cards and tools that an individual may already be working with.

In an angel reading, the Seeker is connecting with the angelic realm, and listening to the intuitive messages that are being received. Foley discusses the manner in which these messages may come through to the Seeker, including clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance.

Preparing for a reading is an important part of the reading process. I was very pleased to see that Foley addresses issues like balancing the chakras, grounding, centering, cutting energy cords, and shielding. She presents this in a manner that someone new to the concepts would understand, and with methods that are simple to perform, and non-threatening.

This energy is carried forward into the handling of the cards themselves, in that they need to be cleared and blessed, and that the reader needs to be familiar with the cards they are using before they begin reading. The actual Angel Reading Process that Foley uses is a fifteen step process, which includes the reader preparing themselves and the cards, connecting with their angels, and the angels of the person being read for, setting intentions (and perhaps adding a short prayer before the reading), shuffling the cards, interpreting them, and giving the Seeker any “homework” that is indicated by the angelic realm. (Giving the Seeker an action to take to place the wisdom of the reading into their lives is an important part of the reading.)

Several different spreads are presenting, including a 1-3 card Personal Reflection spread, a 12 card Future Outlook spread, a 4 card Divine Guidance spread, a 4 card Sacred Body spread, and a 7 card chakra spread.

There is a procedure given for programming the cards for a Yes/No reading, and comments on things that can act to block a reading.

At the end of the book is a section on specific angels, the energy that they carry, how they fit into a reading, and how they can be used to help with specific issues in the Seeker’s life.

Throughout this book are illustrations from readings that Foley has done to illustrate certain points, as well as a specific chapter that shows angel reading examples. I found this book to be an excellent book for beginners, easy to understand and covering essential points for doing this type of reading. This is a wonderful tool to add to other types of reading than an individual may currently be doing.

© Bonnie Cehovet

Bonnie Cehovet is Certified Tarot Grand Master, a professional Tarot reader with over ten years experience, a Reiki Master/Teacher and a writer.

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