Affirmation Tarot Decks

Cards and decks with affirmations or designed for use with affirmations.

Affirmations for the Everyday Goddess

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Affirmations for the Everyday Goddess brings together the tarot archetypes, affirmations, and the essence of the divine feminine, in a visually stunning set of 22 cards. The companion book is a solid 110-page spiritual guidebook.

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Affirmations for Women

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The Affirmations for Women deck has 60 cards, each with an uplifting, inspirational message. There are no images, just text on a coloured background, which allows the affirmation to speak plainly and help you improve your mindset and wellbeing.

Power Stone in My Pocket

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Power Stone in My Pocket is a set of 36 affirmation cards designed for children, and adults connecting with the child within. Each card has a gentle illustration representing one of the four elements, and a message of love, support and confidence on the reverse.

Tarot Affirmations

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The oversize cards in Tarot Affirmations, this 78 card deck, have small Universal-Waite images, drawn by Mary Hanson-Roberts, inset next to five positive affirmations.

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