Double-Ended Tarot Decks

Decks with illustrations are each end of the card, so that there is an upright image regardless of the orientation of the card.

Alan Tarot

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The Alan Tarot Deck has 78 cards in the tarock style. The majors and courts have double-ended, exotic art deco style illustrations created by Orell in 1910, while the numbered suit cards are simple playing cards.


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The Decktet has 36 cards divided into six suits: moons, leaves, suns, waves, wyrms and knots. The images are double-ended, sometimes mirrored and on others with reversed variations. It's primarily for card games but can also be used for fortune-telling. The deck is available online for free or there is a low-cost printed version.

Revelations Tarot

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The Revelations Tarot has illuminated artwork with a swirling effect reminiscent of stained glass. Its art is also double-ended, with an upright and reversed image merging in the center of the card.

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Tarocco Piemontese

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The Tarocco Piemontese is a reproduction by Dal Negro of a 19th century Italian style of deck. It has double-ended imagery on the major arcana and court cards, and pip cards in the minor arcana.

Tarot Asterix

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The Tarot Asterix features characters and scenes from Asterix, the well-known French comic, on its double-ended cards. While named a Tarot, this is a deck intended for the game of Tarock, rather than divination or guidance.

Tarot Genovese

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The Tarot Genovese reproduces a gaming tarot deck from the late nineteenth century. The cards look similar to the Soprafino Tarot but are double-ended, similar to playing cards.

Trionfi: Tarot Playing Cards

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Trionfi: Tarot Playing Cards is a set of 78 Anglo-American playing cards, designed for English speakers to play the Tarot, Tarock and Tarocchi games of continental Europe. The cards are double-ended and have imagery based on 19th century European tarots.

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