The Answer to Your Question...

The insight to the most important question in your life lies below. First, observe the symbols and images in your tarot card, then slowly take in the wisdom in your reading.

Eight of Swords

This is the "damned if you do, damned if you don't," card. You're in a situation where you're afraid to move. If you move, you'll get cut. However, the ropes that bind you, the blindfold over your eyes, are your own fears, keeping you still, immobile. And so the longer you stay, the more you constrain and entrap yourself. Ever been in a situation where you're afraid to say anything, so afraid that you second guess yourself, end up saying nothing, tying yourself in knots? But speaking up is going to get you cut to ribbons? That's this card. You must have the strength to endure the cuts, else you'll stay trapped. You must move, for the longer you let the situation continue, the worse it will get.

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