Your Ten Card Tarot Reading

A full and complete answer to your question in ten cards lies below. First, observe the symbols and images in your tarot cards, then slowly take in the wisdom in your reading.

To interpret your ten cards, look for how many cards you have that are similar: major arcana, suits, numbers, themes, or how they might be different, and let your intuition draw the information together.

Seven of Cups

Indecision in the face of many choices. Fantasy and an air of unreality. All may not be as it seems.

Seven of Swords

Like the Sword, the meaning of this card is double edged. It is a card of intellect, strategy and self interest. It is also a card of intrigue, cunning and possible deception.

Two of Swords

Peace, balance and harmony. Clarity of thought and of mind. That momment of perfect stillness when all becomes clear. The calm before the storm. Friendship between enemies.

Eight of Swords

A king looks out from forced isolation; he is in serious difficulties. Although his eyes are wide open, he simply does not see. All the problems could be overcome if he could see the options open to him, but he isn't looking for the way out; he is just obsessed with the situation he finds himself in. He sees himself as trapped, and cannot at present see himself in any other light. If he just turned around he could walk away into the rest of his life, but he has to take that step. It will happen if he lets it. It's the classic case where you can only be helped if you want to be helped. All the things he needs are already there for the taking.

Five of Coins

When this card appears in a reading, it signifies a potentially difficult time of change, perhaps in the querent's financial life or work life or simply in meeting basic needs such as food and shelter. The stability of the Four of Coins has been thrown off kilter, and what seemed to be true is no longer so. What was whole is now split. What was stationary is now in motion. What was stagnant is now growing and changing. For example, a bad financial situation may be changing for the better. Or what appears to be a comfortable working environment may be changing for the worse. Whatever you think is true probably isn't any longer. This is a card that indicates a need for the querent to be cautious before acting, and to be prepared for some "growing pains."

Knight of Swords

Knights are an example of the active process of the element of air. Knights are also associated with all the tales of leaving home and searching for adventure, battles, or whatever it takes to cross the threshold into adulthood. They are motivated to test their skills and have a steady focus on their goals. Being an air card in an air suit, the Knight is obviously action oriented. In this example, the Knight has paused to seek a respite from some nameless battle as he honors his guiding spirits of the air. He has entered a phase of high learning, using his mind to cut through the air of words.

King of Cups

Desire, transformation, power. "I desire" says the King of Cups, and he can be aggressive, ambitious, and competitive in seeking his goals. He is emotional, passionate, and warmly sensual. In his heart his deepest desire is for spiritual liberation, both for himself, and those he intuitively knows strive within for a similar condition.


In Space, No One Can Hear You Laughing. This Fool is a crazy-fun Fool. Childish and immature, but on a fun adventure. He has his best friend along for the ride, and is carried along himself by things he doesn't really understand. He is free floating, and has no real direction as yet. Maybe when he reaches the planet below...

Page of Wands

Beginning of a new journey, transformation, learning new ideas spiritually, finding the creative side within, responding to a new challenge and finding a new side of oneself. Some references similar to princesses in other decks giving a more expanded view of traditional pages.

The Tower

Change or opportunity for same. Communication issue. An important message. A warning. Crisis. Destruction through abusive use of ambition, authority or will. Freedom from a situation. An accident. A head injury. Bankruptcy. Separation or divorce. A material loss. A fire. Ill health. Death. New-found knowledge or a sudden discovery. Spiritual inspiration. Sexual act or experience. Telephone call.

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