Ancient Greek Tarot Decks

Decks based on Greek mythology, legends and archetypes of Ancient Greece.

Mythic Oracle

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The Mythic Oracle brings the myths and legends of Ancient Greek to life, thanks to the attractive artwork of Michele-lee Phelan, who also contributed to the Oracle of the Dragonfae. The 45 cards each show a Greek deity or character, and are divided into groups of Heroes, Magical Beings, Olympians and Titans.

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Mythic Tarot

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Gods and Goddesses, demigods, heroes and villains from Ancient Greek mythology and legends are depicted on each of the 78 Tarot cards in the popular Mythic Tarot. First published in 1989 and reprinted almost every two years afterwards.

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New Mythic Tarot

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The New Mythic Tarot is a redrawing of the popular Ancient Greece-themed Mythic Tarot. Tricia Newell's original artwork has been recreated for the New Mythic by Giovanni Caselli (who also did the Sharman-Caselli illustrations).

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Olympus Tarot

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A tarot of the Ancient Greeks. Each card in the Olympus Tarot represents a myth, hero, monster or god from Greek legend, depicted in dramatic comic-book style.

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Pythagorean Tarot

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The Pythagorean Tarot is a complex and deep set of tarot cards, based on ancient Greek paganism, alchemy and Pythagorean numerology. Don't be put off by the symbolic complexity; the companion book is long and very thorough.

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Renaissance Tarot

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The Renaissance Tarot deck has gorgeous artwork with touches of gold. All twelve deities of Olympus and several other Greek and Roman gods and demigods are pictured in the major arcana. The minor arcana are pips illustrated with small scenes from Greek mythology.

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Silenus Tarot

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The Silenus Tarot has comic-book art styled cards based on Greek Mythology, with a bit of a humourous edge. It's a full 78 card deck, and features Silenus from the Satyr comic as the Fool.

Tarot of Delphi

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The Tarot of Delphi is a fine art deck composed of original Neoclassical art from the Victorian era. The 78 cards are populated with Greco-Roman gods, heroes, enchantresses, oracles, and legends. It also depicts daily life, art, and the cultures of the ancient world.

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